Sunday, July 22, 2012

Is a Hosted PBX System Right for My Business and Phone Needs?

Should your business consider a hosted PBX solution for your corporate phone system? If your company is facing any of the challenges mentioned below you might want to consider a hosted PBX solution, rather purchasing a premise based system:

• Your company's phones are aging and needs an upgrade and replacement

• Your current system is up for lease renewal

• Your company is considering a move

• Your business has multiple location which may include mobile workers

• Your business is struggling to get lease financing

• You want to cut costs, improve redundancy and minimize the time it takes your staff to manage your phones.

If you fall into any of the above categories, there are many reasons for going with a hosted PBX solution, and here are a few of the better ones. Of course if you have questions, you should talk to a PBX expert!

Save Time and Money

Businesses are increasingly opting for an enterprise-class hosted IP phone system and hosted call centers. Why? Because not only can hosted telephony be a more cost-effective option, cloud based telephony will often reduce your monthly communications expenses while eliminating the capital required to purchase new equipment.

Outsource Management of Your System and Network

You can eliminate having to deal with service issues and the finger-pointing that often occurs when you're trying to figure out where an outage or transmission issue may be coming from. Is it your phone system? The network? The Local Exchange Carrier? With a hosted phone system, you can hand this job over to a team of network and security professionals that monitor and manage your services 24×7.

Built-in Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity

The off-premise nature of a hosted PBX means that your business keeps running regardless of what happens at your physical location. Instead of having to install a costly back up network, you can allow your hosting company to provide the high level on redundancy that your business requires.

Additional Features and Enhancements

There are many features and enhancements that can be added to your hosted phone system which, again, eliminate the need to purchase and manage equipment on site. This will both reduce cost and free up valuable staff time that is spent configuring, managing and troubleshooting these features.

A few examples include:

• Unified messaging (voice mail/fax in email)

• Automated Attendant

• Call Center Management and Recording

• Integration of Outlook, Lotus Notes, Act! etc.

So there you have it, a bunch of reasons and justifications for why your business should consider a hosted PBX solution for your corporate communications.

Joan is passionate about hosted pbx phone systems, specifically how they help businesses communication needs.

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