Sunday, July 22, 2012

Things to Check Before Working With an International Calling Card Company

We all know how easy the international dialing has been made with the availability of calling cards that you can use on your landline phones or mobile phones. Most of these companies are competing in providing the best services at cheapest rates. Due to a high competition in the market, customers are enjoying the benefits of making foreign calls to their loved ones at lower costs. However, before trusting a company for providing you with most number of minutes within least amount, do your homework and keep few things in mind. These small factors should be given attention to prevent your money from being wasted.

This is true that most of the companies will showcase their calls as the most affordable ones. But not everyone can be the cheapest and the best at the same time. Here are some guidelines for you to help choose a company that can be best for you:

First of all, talk to your friends abroad and confirm if they have been using a particular calling card for making international calls. If they have been working with a company for some time and trust its services, you too can rely on this company and purchase their calling cards without any hesitation. This eliminates most of the chances of getting scammed.

Secondly, most of the websites now give a table of their rates for international calls online. You can view the table and find out the calling rates to your destination country. This way, you will be sure of the minutes and amount that needs to be charged to you at the time of purchase. Make sure that you confirm the rates with and without the taxes. It will help avoid any inconveniences in the future. You can also talk to one of the representatives of the company and confirm about the rates given on the website.

Always search for companies on the internet and make your search very specific by mentioning the country where you want to make the calls. This is because different companies provide best rates in particular countries. If company A is providing best rates for making calls to Pakistan, company B might be providing best rates for calling India. Once you have checked these things, confirm the procedure of making international calls. Either read online or ask the representative on the phone about the procedure of using the calling card. Though all the information will be given on the card but to be on the safe side, confirm with the representative on the phone.

Once you have made the purchase and started to make international calls, pay close attention to the voice quality. If you are paying for a substandard voice quality and are spending half of the time repeating things to your loved ones on the phone, the card is no good. Lastly, while you are on the call, keep calculating your minutes. With international calling cards, getting less minutes for what you have paid is the most common issue.

Click Cheapest International Calls to opt for various ways of making cheap international calls. In case, you want to call someone abroad from your mobile phone, click International Calls.

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