Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Confessions of a Reverse Phone Lookup Company

As an owner of a reverse phone lookup company, often people don't understand exactly what it is that we do. A reverse phone lookup company allows you to search people by phone number. What questions do you have about reverse phone lookups?

How Does Your Company Find These Numbers?

Simply put: I buy them off of the carriers that own them. To elaborate: Every company that runs a phone service (that would be your Verizons and AT&Ts and such) has their own database of their numbers. This is obvious, because otherwise they would have no idea who to charge and how much to charge them for. What we do is we go to these companies, buy their database information, and copy it forwards to all of our site users (at a highly reduced rate to any other site).

Why Are You Putting Other Peoples' Numbers In a Phone Number Search?

The reason we do this is because we believe that people have a right to access this information. Public landlines are available for free, no one has to pay for those (if they know where to look). So why should the same not be true for cell phone lines? The answer is that it should be the same, and people should have access.

Can I Block My Number From Being Included When Someone Searches?

Yes, by using a site's Opt Out feature, you can prevent your phone number from being viewed by a reverse phone directory. If you do this, however, there is no promise that your phone number will be completely private. If you enjoy not being in a phone number directory, you have to do this with all of your numbers both mobile and landline. Nearly every phone number search includes an opt-out feature.

How Likely Is It That The Number I Am Looking For Is Even On Here?

We have a very extensive directory of numbers, and we try to make sure that every number possible can be found with our service. All you need to do to search people by phone number is type in any number that you want to find on our website, and you will most likely find it. We have numbers from all over the country.

How Current Is The Data You Provide For The Number Requested?

This depends on the service, but we utilize hundreds of different sources to provide accurate answers to your reverse phone number queries. Once obtained from these sources, the results are cross referenced, combined, and verified by a sophisticated, proprietary algorithm in an attempt provide the most accurate details possible for your query. While we cannot absolutely guarantee that the results we provide are 100% accurate and up-to-date, we can tell you that the provided results represent the most recent data that is available to us for the number you listed in your query.

Can A Person See If I Have Tried To Trace Them?

Not when you search phone numbers. A person will only know that you have traced their cell when you decide to get in contact with them.

Why Can't I See The Person's Name When I Type In A Cell Phone Number?

A cell phone owner's name and address is not available for free. Typically, these databases are expensive to acquire, and our company needs a way to recoup the costs. We provide the service provider, line type and place where the phone was purchased for free, but to search people by phone number, we, along with most other sites, charge a small fee.

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1 comment:

  1. Several information companies provide reverse cell phone lookup that are obtained from utility resources, and are available online. Because there is no central database of cell phone numbers, reverse phone directories that claim to be free cannot return information on those cell number search.


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