Sunday, June 24, 2012

Safety Benefits of Reverse Phone Lookups

Safety is a major concern for anyone who uses the internet. One way you can check to see if people or companies are legit is by using a reverse phone lookup service. This really comes in handy for those who like to use Craigslist to buy and / or sell things. Almost everyone has heard a horror story about someone on Craigslist, right? By using a reverse phone look up service, the user can verify to see if the person or company is being honest about his or her name, address and email address. All the user has to do is enter a phone number and he / she instantly receives this information.

Reverse phone lookup services also come in handy for online daters. In this day and age you cannot be too careful! This process can save a lot of time and heartache in this situation. How many people have hooked up through one of these services only to find that they were lied to about a person's name? So many people are using online dating services today. Maybe it should be a requirement.

How many of you have had that annoying, nagging, persistent caller? Maybe it was someone who was calling pretending to be someone else or a call that would cut off as soon as you say, "hello." Wouldn't you LOVE to find out who that caller was? The Phone lookup databases contain several name and phone number combinations.

You can find all of this information for free. It is public information. Private or unlisted phone numbers are only available if the owner takes the initiative to put it into the database. Believe it or not, cell phone numbers are available as well. and are two popular free phone search engines.

If you do not want to be in the phone databases, it is very easy to opt-out. You will not be charged for this service. This really comes in handy if you do not want to be contacted by telemarketers. How many of you have them calling your cell phone now? Most people find that very annoying. Some of you may want to be taken out so family and friends cannot find you. Just keep in mind that people who you would like to find you will not be able to either. For instance, what if a former classmate was trying to find you to invite you to a high school reunion? This is a great way to re-connect with old buddies.

You may be curious to know if your phone number is on any websites. You could use the phone lookup service for finding that information as well. Some of you may not want your phone number posted out there for the whole world to see, but then again, some of you may. Some people actually post their phone numbers on social network sites so it is really easy to gain access to personal data.

This service is not limited to typing in a person's phone number and pulling up their contact information. You can also enter other information in order to find their phone number. Sometimes you may have someone's name and address, but need to contact him / her via the telephone. This service is useful in so many ways.

Bottom line is reverse phone lookup services provide an excellent source of information. You just need to use caution in the way that you use it whether you are the look"er" or the look"ee. " Make sure to check the privacy laws. If you use the information you find to market or harass someone, you are sure to face some legal trouble.

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1 comment:

  1. If you compare the price of traditional land line phones with that of cell phones then you will find a huge difference. Cell phones are anytime more expensive. But it is also true that a little investment makes your life much more simple and convenient. Reverse Phone Lookup Free Explained


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