Friday, June 8, 2012

Tracing The Development of Telecommunications to the Modern Integrated T1 Lines

A few years back, the mobile phone was an unknown device, and business enterprises relied on the telephone, telegraphs and postal services for communication. Conducting business outside the premise was, therefore, extremely challenging. Then there came the mobile phones and the internet. The telephone technology, too, saw an upgrade as transmissions were quickened through systems such as the integrated T1 lines. Consequently, today you can conduct your business from home or in the midst of a journey quite comfortable, and record profitable returns. But this has not always been so.

There are many ways in which you can look at communication, among them being through the theory of evolution perspective. Once upon a time, man knew no language but the instinctive body language of animals. The coming of Ferdinand de Saussure shed light on the origin and development of linguistics as we know them today. Along the development process, man not only needed to communicate face to face, but there arose a need for long distance communication.

Different cultures developed distinct methods of communication to bridge distances. Noisy means such as drum beating and church bells were used. There was also physical delivery of messages by use of runners, horse riders and carrier pigeons. Smoke signals and watch towers were also popular for their optical effectiveness.

The dawn of the industrial era saw the advent of the railway and automobiles, which made message delivery quicker and safer. The 19th Century saw breakthrough innovations in telecommunications that were as incredible as seemingly unreal. The telegraph was invented towards the middle of the century, whose stunning speed of data transmission marked the dawn of a new era of communication. It was soon followed by the invention of Morse code by Samuel F.B. Morse.

Another great pioneer of telecommunications was Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the telephone. The telephone, like the telegraph, also had a low band-width and intrinsic error rate. As the 20th Century progresses, the telephone was developed to transmit the first trans-Atlantic message in the 50s. This saw the birth of the popularity of the telephone as a transmission media.

The transmission of data was conducted via wireless or radio transmission. High frequency radio waves were used for long distance transmissions. This development was soon followed by the development of communication satellites and fiber optic cables. There is now fiber optic telephone lines and communication is not only possible on Earth but across space too.

Telecommunications and data networking technology has advanced immensely from the era of smoke signals and messenger runners to the modern-day voice and integrated business T1 lines. Makes you wonder- what will the 21st century bring? Evolution continues as man becomes more intelligent, and more innovations are bound to be achieved. There will probably come a time when integrated T1 lines will seem as remote as smoke signals do today.

You will find the technological details regarding integrated T1, and be advised on how to optimize T1 lines to enhance your business performance. Simply visit the provided links for the best business optimization.

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