Sunday, June 10, 2012

How to Use Hosted IVR Efficiently

Using hosted IVR services efficiently means getting better outcomes without needless effort. As an entrepreneur, the success of your business hinges on it. So how do you do it?

The first step when learning to use speech technology efficiently is understanding the relationship you have with your consumers. When your consumers are satisfied, then you will cement the longevity of your enterprise. But, we all know that consumer satisfaction goes beyond giving them what they want...

You must pamper them to make them feel valued.

Doing this without exerting extra effort can only happen if you establish proper communication channels to listen to and respond to their needs.

Now is a good time to compare and contrast the usage of traditional and hosted IVRs.

Traditional IVR solutions are designed to enable automated conversation with multiple telephone systems. Hosted IVRs on the other hand, are arguably more efficient because the "extra effort" is passed along to a third-party.

Here are some strategies that can help you use your call automation tools more effectively:
Only Train Your Staff Once.Never Pay for Overtime.Embed Answers to Yes/No Questions.Automate Dial-Out Services.Get Inside Your Caller's Head.

Hosted IVR service providers integrate their systems with your network, yet they maintain the equipment on their own premises. This arrangement works best for you if you lack a staff that's well versed in IVR management. Additionally, you can save on costs associated with installation of irrelevant infrastructure. In time, you can decide to shift from hosted IVR services to on-site IVR service if you wish.

Using your call automation tools efficiently means acknowledging that some clients seek your assistance at the dead of the night. If you decide a live agent staff is all that you need, you will have to pay extra fees to these people for their overtime. Granted, there are numerous channels you can use to connect with your consumers comfortably. Yet, only with IVRs, are you able to save on a lot of costs associated with the employment of customer care personnel. However, conversation automation saves your business from accruing such expenses.

Due to their automated nature, you and your consumers will both be satisfied. They come embedded with voice recordings, which makes answering simple yes or no questions easy.

Whether you opt for an in-house or hosted IVR, you still benefit by serving a lot of consumers in an instant. Now, contrast this to a situation where you depend on people to reach your clients. In such a scenario, you need a lot of employees to answer queries or take comments from your numerous consumers. This means that you have to pay these people; a fact that translates into more expenses.

IVRs could also come to your aid when conducting market research. Usually, such exercises involve printing of questionnaires and taking field trips. Understandably, all this is in a bid to discover what your consumers think about your products or services. However, IVRs are a great help in this regard. The systems usually place outgoing calls to your sample population to get their response. Thereafter, they record the answers on a keypad, which takes the shortest time possible. In contrast, taking field trips and questionnaires would encompass a lot of time and money.

The welfare of consumers is a pivotal concern for every business organization. After all, their loyalty is what keeps you in existence. However, the channels of interaction should not eat into your profits. Hence, the need for conventional methods of communication is paramount. Interactive Voice Response solutions like hosted IVR are the perfect way to achieve balance between your satisfaction and that of your clients.

When he's not writing about innovative hosted IVR design, Jay E. Coop consults with contact centers on how to effectively use hosted IVR.

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